Blem Bat Company first event!

Blem Bat Company first event!


Saturday 7/6/24 we worked our first wood bat baseball tournament. We were posted up at Bishop Chatard High School in Indianapolis, IN. It was great to get out into the community to share our purpose and mission with others...keeping baseball affordable! I quickly learned that blem wooden baseball bats are not largely talked about. We had the opportunity to educate many parents and players on the value blem bats bring!

The support we have had online and at Saturday's event is exciting within itself! We are proud to be one of the largest distributors of blem baseball bats and will continue to grow. If you have not already, make sure you follow us on Instagram to follow our journey!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and Blem Bat Company looks forward to your next order!

- Jack Holden, Owner of Blem Bat Company

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